  • How to proofread and edit an essay

  • Proofreading and editing an essay may seem like boring work, but if you approach it in an organized way, everything becomes easy. Don't forget that there's no need to rush things; it's better to edit systematically.

    How to do it:

    • Chances are, you're writing your essay in a word processor. Most of them have a spell checker. Start by turning on this checker to see spelling errors. Correct them in order.
    • Next, activate the grammar checker in your word processor (if it's there) and look for grammatical errors. Most online proofreading service now recognize punctuation, optimal sentence length, passive voice, use of tenses, and so on. Use your own knowledge, not just what the word processor offers.
    • Now it's time to proofread the essay by hand. Print it out. Errors are better seen on paper than on a computer screen. Start with the main point of your essay. Is it clear and easy to understand? Is the content of the essay consistent with the main statement? If not, you may have to reword the statement to make it reflect the content.
    • Make sure the introduction is compact and intelligently constructed. It needs to do more than just express your goals and opinions. The introduction should set the tone for the entire essay - and that tone should be maintained throughout the text. It should be appropriate to the subject of the essay and designed for an appropriate reader.
    • Check the composition of your essay. Each paragraph should contain pertinent information about the topic. Eliminate any sentences that seem even slightly out of line with the topic of the essay. Also, pay attention to the transitions between paragraphs. If there are no clear transitions from one thought to another, the essay will feel like a "slicer."
    • The conclusions of the essay should reflect its main point. In addition, you should write them with an eye to the structure of your essay and the arguments presented in it. The essay should be proofread especially carefully. It is the last thing the reader sees and the main thing he or she will remember.
    • Now read the essay aloud. Pause where you have punctuation marks. This will help you understand the rhythm of your essay. If you don't like something by ear, revise it and read it again.
    • When the content of the essay is proofread, you need to check the spelling, grammar, and punctuation one more time - manually. A text editor won't notice everything. Carefully check the agreement of subject and predicate, tenses, plurals, cases, sentence parts, sentence sizes, and the use of commas. Check again.
    • If possible, have someone read your essay and suggest how to improve it. If there's no one to do it, you'll have to do it yourself. Given that you've seen your essay many times before, it's best to put it aside for a couple of days and then reread it again. That way you can proofread it with a "fresh eye."
    • Use a word processor to check your spelling and grammar one last time. If you have time, reread it again before you send it to business school.


    When writing an essay for business school, always leave time for editing. Pay attention to the terms of the assignment. If the essay has to be no more or no less than a certain number of words, keep that in mind. For more complex essays, it is advisable to write an outline first. When editing, refer to the outline - then you will know for sure that you have covered all the points. Read out slowly: an error is easiest to "lose" if you read too quickly.
